Benjamin Madu

Benjamin Madu


Benjamin Madu is a Chartered Accountant and an Akintola Williams award winning Accounting Graduate who trained to become a Management Consultant with a unique mix of experience and skills spanning almost 30 years. Benjamin has experience that traverses the areas of Auditing (Internal & External), Accounting and Financial Control, Budgeting & Budgetary Control, Bank Credit and Risk Management, Treasury Management, Financial Advisory and Management, Business Valuation, Mergers and Acquisition Advisory, Business Strategy Development and Implementation.

He also has expertise in Ideation and Business Incubation, Corporate Transformation and Process Re-engineering, Sales Management, Marketing and Relationship Management, Brand Management and Creative Thinking, System Analysis & Design, Project Management, Knowledge and Information Management, Enterprise Resource Planning, Human Resources Management, Marketing and Relationship Management, etc.

Benjamin has attended several on-shore and off-shore certification and intern courses that include Mastering Strategy, Turning Strategy into Action (Balanced Scorecard), Mergers & Acquisition, Business Analysis, Marketing Masterclass, Business Valuation and Modelling, Quality System Management, Business Process Re-engineering & Management, High Performance People’s Skills for Leaders (Coaching & Mentoring), Talent Management, Change Management, Retail Banking School, Relationship Management School, Credit Analysis and Certification, Risk Management, amongst others.

He is also a Deloitte/Development Dimensions International (DDI) Certified Trainer and Talent Manager, a Fellow of the American Academy of Financial Management (FAAFM), a Certified Credit Analyst by the International Institute of Research (IIR) Dubai, a Certified Management Consultant by the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes, Zurich Switzerland and a Fellow of the Institute of Management Consultants of Nigeria (FIMC), an Associate Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ACA), an MBA in International Business Management Holder and has just concluded the course work for MSc in Finance at Babcock Business School.