Trading & Downstream

Over the years, Levene Energy’s trading division has developed partnerships in both the crude oil trading and downstream energy sectors respectively across diverse end-user markets. Our experienced trading team has long-established and varied contacts in the energy sector in regions such as the Far East as well as the United States, and this is in addition to our traditional core strength areas of West Africa and Europe.


By leveraging on our key strengths which include our market expertise, reliability, diversified product offering and a team of highly experienced traders and operators, we offer our business partners and key stakeholders quality service delivery while remaining committed to the principles of sustainability and ethical business practices.

Levene Energy’s trading division has a significant crude and products trading book which caters to the needs of partners. We trade the following commodities in various markets across the globe: Crude oil, Gasoline, Naphtha, Fuel oil, LNG, Refined clean products and more.


"We trade in crude oil, Naphtha, Fuel Oil and refined clean products. Our trading history and footprint is a testament to our capacity to trade significant volume"

Our trading history and footprint is a testament to our capacity to trade significant volumes.

With offices and operational bases in Abuja, London, Lagos and Mauritius, we are well positioned to meet the needs of our wide array of partners which include IOC’s, NOC’s, and international trading houses.

All of this is achieved in full compliance with industry regulations and global best practice which has seen us build trust with existing business partners and potential clients alike. Corporate social responsibility is an important element of our business and this is reflected in the ways we support the communities we operate in.

For further inquiries on potential partnerships and business opportunities, please contact us by sending an e-mail to