Sustainability & Sustainable Development

By: Nneamaka Atuanya, Senior Geoscientist and Sustainability Champion

As a Geoscientist whose main goal in over 12 years has been to employ the most efficient and cost-effective means of exploiting oil and gas resources, I am thrilled to be writing this editorial, and that you – the reader – have decided to embark on this sustainable journey with us in 2023. My journey into sustainability has really changed my world view and I wish the same for you.

In this article, we will introduce the concepts of Sustainability and Sustainable Development. Different definitions exist for sustainability depending on context, but they generally mean the same thing. The Cambridge dictionary states that, “Sustainability is the quality of being able to continue over a period of time”. Defining sustainability on its own does not give us the required background for this journey however, which is why we will also talk about sustainable development.

According to United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) report, ‘Our Common Future (1987)’, sustainable development is the ability to meet the present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This call to a conscious way of living and doing business gives us the power to decide whether future generations will thrive or not, and it is a huge responsibility.

At the heart of the WCED report are the 3 P’s: Profit, Planet, People. This can also be known as the 3 E’s: Economy, Environment, and Equity. In order to be considered sustainable, businesses must be able to utilize natural resources reasonably, support a healthy community and their workforce, and earn enough revenue to remain financially feasible for the long-term (Source: Investopedia).

These principles are at the center of all Levene Energy’s business strategies and decisions. As an innovative and ever-evolving energy company, we continuously integrate sustainable practices into our business model. Levene Energy, through its joint venture company, LPV Energies Limited, leverages on the latest technology, innovative design, and seamless project execution to deliver top notch renewable energy solutions to our clients and customers. Currently, LPV Energies is executing the largest Building Integrated Photo Voltaic (BIPV) project in Africa. Furthermore, there are other projects in the pipeline to provide power using solar energy in rural areas in Nigeria.

With Gas being accepted as a transition energy source, Levene Energy has taken strategic actions to build and operate gas pipelines by signing an Unincorporated Joint Venture (UJV) agreement with the NNPC Gas Marketing Limited (NGML) to distribute gas across different locations in Nigeria. Based on our 2023 goals, we have specific sustainable practices we wish to integrate, and we have identified the metrics by which we will measure our progress. We will share our journey with all our stakeholders as we proceed, so stay tuned.